Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The streets are talking and the whole prison population is whispering(staff and inmates) secrets are only held for so long until the wrong person finds out and then there released.  Each and every convicted criminal in California is in an uproar of some sort due to the facts of there committed crimes are making money for someone other than themselves.  Clearly crime is not suppose to pay but in California these are the stats when it does.  9.3% of California's 163,400 inmates are to be housed in private prisons in states like Michigan, Oklahoma and Arizona once the next rounds of transfers are completed in 2012.  3.2 billion is the combined revenue of the publicly traded companies GEO group and Corrections Corp of America, these two companies are the most dominant firms in corrections.  And lastly 31,500 will be the total of bids awarded in contracts by the state and federal agencies during the next 18 months.  What I would like to know as not as an inmate but as a human being how much of those funds are being given back to the cities, state and victims as restitution?

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