Friday, April 8, 2011

The Japanese have endured much grief in this course of the developing nation but they seem to always manage.  Continuing there steady pace in the world race, it appears that no setbacks abroad will slow Japan down in there global strides with this recent debacle transpiring I await anxiously to see exactly how they intend to rebuild there once thriving compound.  Taken a negative and turning it positive is clearly a strong component the islanders possess.  Take World War II for example a near broke government consumes a disastrous episode.  Japan allowed the private sector in business to step to the plate and hit a home run offering the country a quick rebirth and many different aspects aside from financially but this monetary gain will be of little problem if they decided to open the flood gates unleashing the many considerable entrepreneurial energies that's buried within the heart of there land.  Most tragedies place great mental burdens upon a nation but the Japanese showed that the clock is always in there favor and time has always shown to heal them.  This time added with human adaptation is a beautiful concoction for order out of chaos.  The life lessons goes on for another generation not to hold the same mistakes as our fathers in which is evolution towards a brighter future.

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